
Friday, June 05, 2020

Virtual Speed Stacking Tournament Results

The Annual St. James Assiniboia Early Years Virtual Speed Stacking tournament results are in! Students were stacking all day at feverish paces on June 4th for the final submission. 

Big thanks to all the 70 plus students that submitted. Big thanks to all the teachers at the schools for coordinating the video submission and encouraging the students throughout the process. Huge thanks to our Speed Stacking convenor Mr. Vosper at Brooklands for all his hard work during our virtual tournament. 

Monday, June 01, 2020

SJASD Community Run

SJASD Community Run 

In the spirit of offering something to share... 

Each year Lakewood Elementary School hosts a community run along with Crestview and Buchanan schools. 
This year Lakewood is extending the invite for anyone to join in a virtual format. 
This is your official invite.
Please share with anyone that would like to take part.
The traditional run is a choice of 2.5km and you can choose to loop once, twice or 3 times.
BUT this year you can run any distance you choose and anywhere you choose.
Essentially, students and families choose their distance, they prepare accordingly, and complete their run between June 13th -18th. 
When you are done we encourage you to submit a picture with signage indicating:

  1. school
  2. distance
  3. name(s)
  4. time (optional)

Please find:
  1. A GPS image if you choose to do the traditional route.
  2. Link to the consent form in the bio which must be submitted prior to your run (simply print or scan to )
  3. A picture of what that photo submission might look like. I've also attached a consent form (which I asked families to simply print or scan, sign, and send back to me). 

When running remember:

  • Stay on the sidewalk if possible.
  • When run/walking on roads, always go against traffic. ...
  • Always yield to vehicles at intersections. Don't assume that cars will stop for you.
  • Obey all traffic rules and signals.
  • It's always best to run with a friend or family. 

The photos will be compiled in a video and posted to youtube on June 19th. 
No expectations, just an invitation. 
If interested email 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Speed Stacking Updates May 29

                                             For all the results for the week of May 25-29

Monday, May 25, 2020

For all the results for the week of May 19-22
Click here

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Results for May 15

For all the results for the week of May 11-15

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Free Speed Stacking Cups

The Annual St. James Assiniboia Early Years Speed Stacking tournament is still on. The Final Tournament day is June 4. We are going virtual this year! Need cups? There are 4 sites that will give out FREE cups on May 11. Weekly video submissions of your fastest times. Stay tuned for all the details. #sjsdpe

Monday, March 16, 2020

SJAMYAA Basketball Championships

The St. James Assiniboia Middle Years Athletic Association (SJAMYAA) wrapped up the basketball season on Thursday March 12 at St. James Collegiate Ecole Ness Tier 1 Girls took home the championship as they defeated Lincoln Middle School 47-31. In boys action, the Hedges Hawks took Ecole Ness by a score of 62-44. Congratulations to all teams on a great season! Big thanks to St. James Collegiate for hosting and to Marty D’Autiel for an outstanding job as convenor. for complete results of the entire tournament.

2 Annual SJASD Divisional Ice Fishing Derby

The 2nd annual SJASD High School Ice Fishing Derby took place on March 12 2020 with students participating from all high schools in the St James School Division. The students experienced great weather, great prizes.and great learning opportunites around the use of fishing equipment and species identification, 2020 saw the edition of Jameswood School! Everyone involved had a memorable time fishing with their peers out on the ice. The fish did not cooperate like they have in past. The 2019 derby saw a record setting 166 fish caught by 86 anglers. However the 2020 edition of the division derby had 151 anglers but only 6 fish landed. Despite the tough conditions St James Collegiate was able to secure 2 nice Walleyes and took home the trophy. Big thanks to Dustin Bruce for organizing and to Darren Deserranno, Steve Christie, Tyler Metcalfe, Jason Bilous and again Dustin Bruce who arrived in the dark to make sure 200 holes were pre-drilled.

1st Place - St James Collegiate
  • 2 fish for 35 combined total inches
  • 19 inch Walleye
  • 16 in Walleye

Biggest fish
  • Dylan Morden Sturgeon Heights 22.5 inch Burbot.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Division Staff Volleyball Tournament 2020

Big thanks to John Taylor for hosting the annual staff volleyball tournament Thursday Jan 30th  2020. There were 10 teams represented this year.
The final standings:


Champions            Westwood
Finalists                 John Taylor


Champions            Team Redemption - George Waters
Finalists                 Setting Ducks – Robert Browning
Consolation           Phoenix

BIG Thanks to the following teams:
Board Office
St James 
Golden Gate